Blogger boogers

Thursday, June 17, 2004

My Dream

I dream, everyone does. I don't frequently remember what I was dreaming, excepting in random and very foggy memory fragments. But this morning I had a dream that I actually remember in some detail:

I was a member of a scientific team who were responsible for the development and launch of a probe to examine some sort of small object in space. I don't really remember what, specifically, but it wasn't huge. It seems like it was an asteroid or a comet.

Anyway, the probe we were designing was very cool. It was a sphere at launch but once in space it broke into four wedges, like a quartered orange. Each wedge was responsible for different scientific measurements and had antennae and solar panels which deployed when it split up.

It also had a very sophisticated thruster system, in that it was capable of countering external effects of Newton's Third Law. It was capable of precise movement in a single dimension and remain stable in the other two.

There was even computer-modelled imagery in my dream, showing NASA-like simulations of the probe's mission.

The funny thing was that part of the testing involved running piping and wiring through the interior of a 1961 Lincoln Continental. For some reason, this car had to be used for the experiment because if the suicide doors. Anyway, we had to move through the lab testing area by crawling through the car's interior.

Unfortunately, I woke up at this time and never got to see the undoubted success of our awesome probe, developed with the assistance of the Lincoln-Mercury Corporation.

I blame this dream on influence from a dream from another friend of mine who shall remain nameless but not blameless, and is known for his up-fucked imagery.


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