Blogger boogers

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The classes you can take in college today....

So, thanks to Heather I found out about a seminar seeries being offered at the U of M, Dearborn titled "Graveyards 101". Heather, knowing me as she does, knew that I would love to go to this lecture series. Of course, she was right. There are four lectures over the course of the next four Wednesdays. They'll be titled:

May 12th
"Death and Dying in Pre-Modern Europe"

May 19th
"Death in Vienna"

May 26th
"The New Orleans Way of Death"

June 2nd
"Images of Death in Comparative Perspective"

There are several texts used in the course, today's concentrated on a book written by Philippe Aries, The Hour of Our Death Aries was not a historian in the trained sense. He was a lover of history. After his day job, he would go home and research and read history. This is one of his best books. I've read parts of it before, but I'm going to order it and read it cover to cover now.

I've decided that I'll discuss the topic each class covers here. My thoughts and the ideas presented in class. I have to say that I came out of this class awhirl with ideas and concepts that I hadn't really been able to gel together before. I'll be interested to see where I go with them.

More later.


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