Blogger boogers

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Foolish greetings of the day

It's been an interesting day. First thing this morning, I got an email from a mostly anonymous reader of this page who noticed my diatribe on WAAM and the complaint about not being able to get hold of Ken Kelly, former afternoon drive jock for them. He supplied me with Ken's email address, which was WAY cool so I popped Ken an email this morning. I told him how much I missed his show and I was looking forward to his getting back on the air as soon as possible. He said he's been interviewing at various places, so that's a good thing. Ken's a rare person in today's radio: He speaks his mind, but not in a Howard Stern way; more of a slightly cynical Paul Harvey way. He's also quite intelligent and very funny. These are obviously things which don't mesh well with today's canned radio stations who import everything from somewhere else.

If you ever want Ken's email address, email me and I'll let you know. I think it's OK to give out, since he was giving it out on his last days on the air there. But I don't want to put it here for worries that the spambots will cull it and start flooding his email with solicitations for V |/-\ G R /-\ and emails from Nigeria on behalf of Generallisimo Mombutu, late of the President's cabinet, who was assassinated in a mysterious car accident and left 85 million dollars in a Swiss account but with no way to get it out, unless Ken supplies them with his name, address, and bank account number.

Anyway, that was pretty cool.

I also was informed that I have to impliment a time tracking and trouble ticketing system here at work. I understand why but I don't necessarily have to like it and the reasons behind it.

Damn blogspot doesn't have any way to make a post 'friends-only'. Wish it did. 'Nuff said.


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