Blogger boogers

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Coming soon, to a computer screen near you.... and other stuff.

Most regular patrons of this journal know that I am, at heart, a person with an unabiding love and passion for history. I can't get enough of the stuff. I do computers too but that's just because it's a gig that I can do to pay the bills. What I want to do for a living is history stuff.

I went up last weekend to MSU with Sandy and her daughter Rin (recently returned -- damaged -- from Navy basic training) to go to the Michigan Stallion Expo. This is apparently one of the big horsie shows in the midwest. Sandy was going because she is on the Livingston County Sheriff's Mounted Patrol and had to log some time. Rin went because she was bored. I went so I could go to the MSU campus. I had stuff to do that wasn't horseplay.

I went to the American Cultural Studies department to talk to the chairman and get some information but found out I'd missed him by ten minutes. That kinda sucked. But I did end up talking to the department secretary, Kathleen, who was very nice and probably helped me as much as the chairman would have, albeit in different ways. The cutoff date for applications is December 31 for the following school year so I've missed out on admission for this coming September. I did find out that I can take classes through the lifelong learning program and have them count to the degree, as long as I coordinate with the department what classes I'm taking. That's one of the great things about this program: Since there are so many facets of it, there are a zillion different classes that can be applied. I'm going to apply to the college and get a catalog and see what I can find.

On another note, Vicki (of Lint From My Pocket fame) and I have decided to start a website to allow "at-large" historians such as ourselves (in other words, history geeks who don't have a history job) to post papers they've written which are scholarly but may not have the depth or sponsorship for inclusion in a journal. Vicki and I are going to start out by putting up papers we wrote in college and go from there. Maybe a little discussion forum down the road. Anyway, that's coming up Real Soon Now. There won't be much to start with but we hope to advance confidently in the direction of our dream.


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