Blogger boogers

Friday, May 28, 2004

Quick update on the cemetery class

It hasn't been as detailed as I'd hoped for but it's been very interesting. To run down, the first week was great. It really whet my appetite for future things to come. The second week was, plainly put, a bust. The lecturer was two-dimensional and boring and I found it difficult to even follow the lecture. She sounded like -- indeed, was -- she was reading from a printed sheet. This week's class, the third, on Death in New Orleans, was quite interesting. One class left to go.

I decided that I'll wait to write about it until the classes end. I had hoped to summarize each class, assuming that they were all going to be as information-heavy as the first one. This wasn't the case but that's an OK thing. I'll probably draw primarily from the first class when I write but touch on things learned from the other three. The first class is what got the ball rolling, anyway.


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