Blogger boogers

Monday, July 19, 2004

Jail is just like camping, only not!!

"I could do it. I'm a really good camper. I can sleep on the ground. There are many, many good people who have gone to prison. Look at Nelson Mandela"
--Martha Stewart, in an ABC News interview, saying she could handle prison.

See, now that's funny.  Marvelous Martha has no clue what's coming down the pike for her.  She's going into a work camp and thinks it's summer camp.  I'm sure that the class of criminal she will be incarcerated alongside will be something less than serial killer-level but there's still going to be a struggle for power, just like there is in every enclosed environment.  Humans are pack animals, with hierarchical structure.  We're more sophisticated than wolves, in that we plot and plan and backstab our way to the top.  Wolves just fight.  Strongest wins.  Maybe they're the sophisticated ones.
Anway, Martha's in for a whole lot of "fun" if she thinks it's gonna be a camping adventure. 


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