Blogger boogers

Friday, November 21, 2003

Friday's musings

I got to see Greer on Tuesday, which was a great and wonderful thing since she's been in Togo since last June. She came here, as opposed to me going to Togo. It worked out better that way.

Heather and I met her for dinner at Chili's to catch up on what life is like in a poor west African nation. It turns out that we've got it pretty good here. No killing our own chickens for dinner, flush toilets, reliable electricity, no geckos or scorpions in bed, and flush toilets. (I know I mentioned them twice... but, man!! Flush toilets!!) Anyway, there was much good chatting and catching up and a huge amount of apologizing over not mailing her. I need to do better and I realize that but, as I said to Greer, my life is one long boring cycle. Wake up, convince myself to get out of bed, take a shower, go to work, fix computers, come home, watch TV, go to bed. The cycle continues in a regular Monday through Friday schedule. The weekends have a little more variants, in that I don't work but I do watch football. (And when you're a Lions fan, watching football is work.

Anyway, Heather -- who also has a blog here and I agreed that we would regularly send our blog entries to Greer. Regular readers of my blog (all two of you) will note that I mentioned I was sending her the link to this page for her to read. Turns out that there's a lot of Internet blocking in the world and this site apparently is so blocked. Or to could be because the Togolese don't like the word "Booger".

Hopefully Greer will have one more free evening to get together before she goes home (on the Friday after Thanksgiving) and we'll have a chance to chat a little more. I've missed her. She's a great person with an outstanding sense of humor. But she'll be back by next August, only to go back to Michigan Tech to finish her thesis work. But having her in the same state will be a Good Thing. I'm also more likely to drive to MTU than to go to Africa. They're getting flush toilets at MTU sooner. :)


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