Blogger boogers

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

A new day, less blankness

It's a couple days later now. My inspirational cup isn't exactly running over with noteworthy thought but it isn't bleak and desolate for now. Maybe my muse finally tired of Mai Tais and Yahtzee and is back at work, albeit hung over.

One thing that's kind of worrying me about going back to school is the actual school part of it. I've taken a couple of classes here and there since my days of Master's work at EMU but they were fluff classes without much depth. I'll have to actually produce thoughtful insight on a regular basis and that kind of worries me. I mean, I can spew drivel all day with the best of 'em but to be meaningful requires actual thought and actual effort.

The application to MSU requires a writing sample and I've been trying to figure out what the best form of writing would be. Poetry is right out. I don't think a fictional piece would be well-received either, unless it had something to do with popular culture. That pretty much leaves standard non-fiction research. They're also vague (read: nonexistant) with guidelines for length of said research. In fact, this is the extent of their instruction about this particular task:

One writing sample is required from each applicant. This sample should document your writing and thinking skills, but it does not necessarily have to be an "academic" paper.
Not much there. I have time to figure it out, though. I know the Ph.D. will be worth it but there's a lot of hassle. I mean, expecting me to think!!!

I wonder if I could get away with a blank paper with the single phrase, Cogito ergo Sum, on it. I mean, it shows I think and that I can be succinct with my writing and still get the point across. The drawback is that it also shows I plagarize. They might be a little chuffy about that part.


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