Blogger boogers

Friday, December 12, 2003

Texas Last Meals Removed From Web Site

I recently talked about the last meals requested by inmates in the Texas Penal System. It seems that the website I found which gave the information is being removed because of public outcry. I say bullshit. That's just TOO "PC". These are simple PUBLIC RECORDS the state of Texas lists. The article I read even mentions that this is the #1 question asked of the officals there. Makes me wonder how many people really did complain.

Grr. It disturbs me that this sort of information, which is something a lot of people are curious about, is being made difficult to find out just because a few people find it disturbing. (Fortunately, they will still give you the details if you contact them and ask because, after all, this is public record.) Here's a news flash, people: If you're offended by something, don't look at it. From Robert Mapelthorpe's Piss Christ to swaskitas which appear in Microsoft fonts derived from Japanese font sets, where the symbol is associated with luck. If it offends, don't look.

We cannot censor that which makes us uncomfortable. We cannot pretend history doesn't exist. If that happens, we become nothing more than a contemporary Stalinistic state which eliminates that and those who we find offensive and unpallatable. The swastika, in it's context, can be a symbol of evil or luck. Let us teach the difference between them.

By the way, if you want the list of last meals, I copped it from Google's cache. Get it now before it expires or email me. Link to the right.


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