Blogger boogers

Monday, October 11, 2004

John Eisenhower, son of the President, will vote for...

John Kerry.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? President Eisenhower was one of the most admired and respected Presidents of the Twentieth Century. He was a Republican who believed in responsible politics. Perhaps one of the last men who believed in the ideals of the Founding Fathers; that is, to do your job and step aside. He was not a politician going into office and when he was done, he returned Abeliene, KS and retired. He led our nation for eight years as President and before that led our troops for three more, culminating in the Allied victory in World War II.

You'd think his son, who served as an advisor in his Presidency and was a United States ambassador, would be excited about Dubya running for a second term.

Not so much.

Read his editorial here: John Eisenhower: Why I will vote for John Kerry for President.

President Eisenhower was such a capable leader and able to make politics work for the betterment of the country as opposed to the holder of the office that he was able to secure victories in Congress despite that body's Democratic majority for six of his eight years in office. John Eisenhower's comments on how the Republican Party used to be, back in the years of success, versus how it is today are right on the money and really just serve to make me all the more confident in my decision to vote Democratic this time after a history of voting Republican. Won't you join me?


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