Blogger boogers

Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Last night. The Eagles. One word.


Tuesday, October 14, 2003

What's your animal totem?

I snagged this quiz from a friend's Live Journal:

Your soul is bound to the Ninth Totem, Titan:
The Bear

Titan appears as an umber colored bear. He
embodies strength, might, flair, and
. He is associated with the color
umber, the season of autumn, and the element of
earth. His downfall is overbearance.

You are most compatible with Cockroaches and

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Mental note: Remember your password when you change it. Otherwise the pucker factor goes WAY up.

Thursday, October 09, 2003


The building I work in his three elevators. It's seven floors total, but you enter on the third and fourth floors. I take the elevator when I'm going more than one flight up. I take the stairs if I'm going one flight down. Many times, I take the stairs down all the way. I have a problem going up because of bad knees and back. I can do it if I have to and sometimes I do, when I'm feeling good. Or masochistic.

I can't figure out people who take elevators up just one floor. They will wait, literally, for minutes. Two or three at times when the elevators are busy. (Oh, forgot to mention that one or two are usually broken at any one time) When the elevator comes, they'll get on, push the button for the floor above and stand there smugly while everyone else on the 'vator stares holes through their skull and dreams about giving them an express ride to the pavement.

I do understand that, because it's a little confusing about how this building is laid out, people might get on the elevator thinking they're on the second or third floor and they want to go to the fourth or fifth. Then, when the elevator goes up only one floor, they realize their mistake. That's cool... I've made similar errors. I harbor them no ill will.

It's the people who do it all the time. Who are just there, waiting, because it was easier than going to the stairwell and using their legs. Exercise. What a concept. People drive 600 yards to work. People drive a quarter of a mile to go to a gym so they can walk a mile on a treadmill. I suppose there will be a time when people will ride their Segway down the hall to wait for the elevator to go up -- or down -- a flight to the next floor.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Another of Heather's "Words of Wisdom"

keep in mind that you can't find your life if you're being consumed by it.

Told ya. She rocks. And is insightful.

Cable modem whizzing along.

broadband � Speed Interpretation

Sweet... Crapcast finally did something right. I'm getting 3103 kbps to Los Angeles! The upload sucks, at 177, but I don't care. It's the download that rocks well. 3 Mbps... I'm in the big time!

Thursday, October 02, 2003


Jeanelle is coming in today from Florida. I haven't seen her for nearly a year. It's pretty weird, too. I mean, we still talk on the phone several times a week, even nearly daily at times (800 numbers are nice) but we haven't seen each other for a year. She tells me she's dropped weight; I've dropped about 30 pounds in the last 4 months or so. It'll be interesting.

Then there's the whole divorce thing to add to the weirdness. I know it has to be done but it isn't really something I'm looking forward to. The paperwork is easy enough, since there's no contention between us over property and no kids. It's just a matter of signing papers. Tragic.

We're taking Michael to Cedar Point on Saturday and on Sunday we're going to go to Hillsdale to Jimmy's house and have a birthday party for him. I'm getting him the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004. Funny thing about it -- it's advertised as a "Centennial of Flight" edition, yet is MFS 2004. The centennial of flight is December 17, 2003. I suppose it's nitpicking but people today are so unaware of history as it is that I like to see it correctly represented.

Cedar Point should be interesting, since it's only supposed to get up to 55 on Saturday and Michael doesn't tolerate cold all that well... He's going to be a skinny popsicle when we finish up.
