Blogger boogers

Friday, October 18, 2002

Well... This sucks. I had a nice long post talking about how I liked how the page looked and about color-blindess all finished. Then, when I went to publish it, I got a database error.

I suppose that you get what you pay for. I'm really not complaining yet. I'm a professional geek and I know that glitches happen. But on the second try??? Bleah. I'll try to remember to copy the new blog entry to the clipboard before posting it so if the system burps again, it's just a matter of pasting. No work wasted.

Maybe I'll try again after lunch. Wendy's again. Bacon Jr. Cheeseburger with mayo, mustard, and extra pickles; five piece chicken nuggets, BBQ sauce; chili; XL Diet Pepsi. $4.52. Maybe the cute girl with the sad and pretty eyes will be working today.


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