Blogger boogers

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Help out a friend in her Cancer Three Day Walk

My friend Maren is going to be doing the Breast Cancer Three Day Walk in Boston. If you read my LJ (or BlogBoogers), please consider giving to her cause. She's selling the pink bracelets for $5 (similar to the Lance Armstrong "LiveStrong" bracelets). She's gotta get a fair chunk of change together to be able to do this and I want to help in any way I can.

From Maren:
Help in getting one step closer to a cure! Please consider a donation to the Boston Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk, which I will be participating in July 2005 in honor of my mother, a breast cancer survivor of 8 years. My personal fundraising goal is $2,100!

Donations can even be made online! Visit The 3 Day's website (Boston) and look me up (Maren Fuentes) under the "Donate" button and check out my personal & team website.